Conscious Couples Awakening

The Journey To Awakening Your Inner Truth

A 21 Day Online Program to
Reignite Your Relationship

Deepen Connection, Rebuild Trust, Restore Intimacy and Passion by going from a Codependent to an Interdependent Relationship in 21 Days.

  • Become aware of ineffective thoughts, patterns and beliefs and learn to dissolve them.
  • Become aware of emotions and learn effective ways to communicate.
  • Create a vision for your level 10 relationship.
  • Dive into the depth of inner child healing.
  • See yourself, and your beloved in pure innocence.
This module gives you exercises, tools and concepts in setting new agreements and boundaries allowing for peace, love and harmony to evolve.
  • This is the BIG work! The Art of Surrendering, to rebuild trust, and deepen intimacy.
  • Be in the practice of living in the present moment.
  • Anchor in unshakable peace.
  • “Difficult conversations” now come from compassion and effective communication.
In this module you will experience the depth of your worthiness. We will provide you exercises, tools and concepts in maintaining equanimity and unshakable peace in your relationship, dissolving any triggers, and maintaining harmony within yourself. 
  • Take complete ownership over your life and step fully into your power! 
  • Deepen your connection as you unify yourself with your beloved.
  • Step into clarity, and confidence.
  • Be impeccable with your word as you embody your wholeness.
  • Fall madly in love with who you are and who you are becoming.
  • Take committed action in being your word to yourself and others allowing your inner wisdom to guide you as you trust the process.
  • We will tap into integrating a well rounded healthy lifestyle with foods and meditative movement to heal the body, mind and soul as one unit. 
In this module you will begin to step into the optimal version of yourself and your relationships. Peace and ease are now how you operate. You are aware, in the present and have cultivated ways to compassionately communicate. Your daily habits, thoughts and results are in full alignment of who you truly are. 

Yes! I am ready to...

Rebuild trust in your relationship, learn to compassionately communicate, forgive and live in the present moment.

Create mutual agreements and boundaries that allow me to experience the freedom that I truly desire and deserve!

Experience deep authentic intimacy, fun, connection and playfulness in my relationship as I embody daily self~love practices to be in the receivership of love.

Cultivate new and effective ways to communicate with my children and harmoniously co-parent as one team.

Open up my heart with a loving and supportive community giving myself a safe sacred space to be seen, and feel heard.


Stacy Brown

I felt as if my inner self was crying out for help, the universe answered and Staci showed up! She walked me through the steps of breathing, focusing on my breath and she took me on this journey to go back to where it all began to my little girl self. It was surreal, it was necessary and gave me a new lens on life. My husband and I have also done Staci and Marc’s 21 Day Awakening program and the 90 day Master your Mindset program. We continue to utilize the GEMS and concepts in our daily lives it has become how we operate.

Nick Hague

My personal background was not really to do a lot of self reflection or introspection to myself. When Staci Took me through the rebirthing journey I had no idea what that was going to look like. It gave me the opportunity to connect to my little boy and heal through emotional patterns that I didn’t even know were there, and has lead me into some deep forgiveness work. After that session my wife joined me in the 21 Day Awakening journey. This program has supported us with gems that I will continue to use in my life, effective ways communicate, reflection, intimacy and we have rebuilt the trust that was stopping us from recieving the love we have for one another.

Quenten Brown

Staci and Marc, the programs and being a part of this community have given me the guidance that supported me beyond what I imagined for myself. This was not just a progam for my wife and I, it was for me to get to know me, my blind spots and learn how to communicate my feelings effectively. What I really enjoyed was the interaction with other couples and feeling safe myself being vulnerable. Seeing other couples vulnerable, instantly brought down my defenses. I have fallen in love with my own life and my wife all over again!

Dave Mainville

When I originally approached Marc about coaching I was challenged by making healthy choices for myself and being consistent in those choices. Through working with marc, he supported me in uncovering my choice in comfort. Having his guidance to support me in connecting with a bigger vision—That was a BIG A-ha moment for me. The experience of just being with him is profound by itself. I would highly recommend anybody who’s curious to connect with him and really see what’s possible.

21 Day Program Course Syllabus

2 Hour LIVE zoom video every Sunday evening with Staci and Marc.

An experiential experience… 
Each week the curriculum will focus on only what you can handle, giving you the space to grow and flourish in the areas that we are focusing on
every day you will receive a love letter in your inbox inspiring you to take committed action, continuously recapping and supporting you in all of your hOMePlay Mindful Practices
Each class sessions will give you a plethora of information to see life through a new lens, give you the tools and concepts to anchor into your everyday life creating new healthy habits and behaviors. Helping you to create the skills and abilities to reveal what has not been working, discovering your truths and come from a place of honor, love and respect. This all happens in the comfort of your own home. This is an experiential course, meaning that when we are in session you will be guided in different mindful exercises; during the week is where the real juicy work gets done. 

Recorded Access For Life

Every session is recorded. In addition to our 2 weekly sessions you will also receive the entire class audio recording in your personalized portal. This gives you the opportunity to review, discus and highlight the most important insights and practices that you have learned. ​

hOMePlay Exercises and Mindful Practices for Each Weekly Lesson

After each lesson, you will receive step by step instructions on how to implement all of the lessons through the practices you will be being and doing during the week. All practices, and hOMePlay Exercisess will be available in your personal portal. ​

Midweek Connection Sessions

You will have the opportunity to dive in with Staci and Marc and have a sacred space to share, hear what others challenges are, this is like taking your healing and putting it on steroids. This is where many of the monumental aha moments will arise and give you the motivation to keep on keepin on! These sessions are designed to have you share what is working and where you need support to stay on course, while deepening the lessons of each module.

Bonus Gifts For You

Private Facebook Group

Your daily inspiration and tribe of peeps who will be your motivation and support throughout your journey and after. This is your loving, compassionate, tribe of like minded friends that give you the opportunity to share your accolades and challenges. ​

Facebook Lives

Get your daily dose of Manifesting Miracles with Staci and Marc.

Text Support with Your Coaches During the Entire 21 Days ~ Getting UNstuck…

You will have direct access to Staci and Marc in the duration of your entire 21 day journey. You can send a video message or text message and feel supported during your times of feeling stuck. ​

The Course

Awakening you to to your deep inner truths… Becoming aware and focusing on how to dissolve the past thoughts, patterns and beliefs. Coming to an awareness of the emotions that we now can anchor in connections and effective ways to communicate.  Creating a vision for you and your relationship and living into it. Diving into depths of healing your inner little child and mom/dad relationship. Seeing yourself, and your beloved in their innocence. This module gives you exercises, tools and concepts in setting new agreements and boundaries allowing for peace, love and harmony to evolve. 

Embodying the Art of forgiveness ~ This is the BIG work! letting go, rebuilding trust, and being in the practice of how to live in the present moment.  BEing present and deepening intimacy. Altruistic Mindful practices are anchoring in unshakable peace. The “hard conversations” now are becoming effective and coming from a place of compassion. This module will give you exercises, tools and concepts in maintaining equanimity and peace in your relationship, dissolving the triggers, and maintaining balance between work and your personal lives. Feeling, seeing and experiencing your confidence and worthiness humbly

The Divine Relationship ~ BEcoming Irresistible ~ Take ownership of every bit of yourself. Gain clarity, deepen the connection in intimacy as you unify the relationship with self, and your beloved. See life through a new lens stepping into clarity, confidence and connection. Being impeccable with your word as you embody your shadows, both dark and light. Falling madly in love with who you are and who you are becoming. Take committed action in being your word to yourself and others allowing your inner wisdom to guide you as you are now trusting the process of life. We will tap into integrating a well rounded healthy lifestyle with foods and meditative movement to heal the body, mind and soul as one.

Get a crystal-clear blueprint and roadmap that will give you all that you need so that you can tap into your FLOW and be effortlessly guided by your own intuition to achieve greatness and witness your inner .