Conscious Couples Awakening


For taking your first step in creating

the relationship of your dreams!

In this free masterclass you will discover how to:

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Have those “difficult” conversations using effective communication, while rebuilding trust. Setting agreements allowing you to be in your relationship with peace and ease.

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Cultivate a daily practice that will support your mind, body and soul shifting unease to unshakable peace

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Embody daily self~love practices to rekindle a playful, loving spark taking your relationship to all new levels.

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Dissolve inner blockages holding you back from living your life to your fullest potential.

Presented by

Staci Michele Kessler
Self-Love Alchemist
Mindset Coach
Divine Feminine Relationship Guide
Certified Natural Health Practitioner
Award-Winning Speaker

Marc Alexander Kessler
Heart Centered
Sacred Space Holder
Divine Masculine Guide
Conscious Leader
Multi-Million Dollar Entrepreneur
Certified Natural Health Practitioner

Together we are

Staci and Marc Kessler unifying couples and individuals
into a sacred union.


Juan and Sara Jimenez

I have had the privilege of working with Staci for the past several years. When I introduced her to my wife, there was an instant connection as Staci gave her the space to be able to share from her heart. My wife has always been more conservative and has not easily opened up, nor communicated her feelings easily.

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Ashley and Shahar Sasson

Marc and Staci exude connection and authenticity with the extraordinary combination of skill, passion, and an innate gift to heal. Observing their work is like creative artistry with ourselves and others have been truly awe-inspiring. Staci conveys change from her heart, helping others to mend theirs.

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Onalee Makum

Marc and Staci have changed my life. They are people who truly embody love and give it freely. I always feel inspired when I am around them and know I can always count on them to support and hold me high. Marc and Staci are genuine people with high integrity and are committed to the healing and unification on this planet.

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Steven Joy

The first thing you notice about Staci is the positivity she brings to any relationship. She is the kind of mentor that intuitively sees you, to unlock your true capabilities. She knows that under the right circumstances, you will rise to the occasion, and then sets you up to succeed. One of Staci’s major strengths is openness.

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D Adams

As a spiritual person I approached Staci’s coaching with an understanding of spiritual concepts. Staci was able to guide me even more in this. Staci has given me space and opportunity to truly dig deep and to encounter my heart space. She helped me address issues stemming from childhood experiences and has helped me unload this baggage.

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