Conscious Couples Awakening

The Longest Journey Man Must Take is the Eighteen Inches from His Head to His Heart

Men of Gratitude... Warriors of the Light

A rising tide lifts all ships. It’s time to rise! We’re in this together. We must be willing to make a DECISION to no longer tolerate being a victim to circumstance.
The nature of this tribe is to embody the willingness to change in a safe space for all to share about the dark depths of shadows, celebrate the wins—big and small—expand in knowledge and collectively experience breakthrough.
When you collaborate with a powerful tribe of men you will discover the core essence of your purpose and calling.


Gain Clarity In Your Purpose

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Break the cycle of stagnation by learning to balance your inner masculine and feminine energies.

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Clarify your values. Get focused on your goals and objectives.

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Surround yourself with a tribe of powerful men from all walks of life, where race, or religion will not cause separation but, strengthen and unify the divine masculine within.

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Enlighten your mind, body and soul, receive gifts, invitations and valuable life changing tools that will be delivered straight to your inbox.

Change is Not Easy

Transforming the patterns of your beliefs, your thoughts, and your habits can be even more challenging—sometimes impossible—when faced alone.
We all long for someone to be there for us, to know our story and to walk us through the valleys of our dark shadows. We all need someone who will hold us accountable for change. We all long for someone to tell us there is hope. That someone has been where we are and has found a clear road path through the obstacle.

In my experience of working with men from all around the globe I’ve discovered that often times when men face a crisis, they struggle to be vulnerable or admit weakness in their character. Men have been conditioned to believe that vulnerability is weakness. In reality, we all share the same emotions & feelings. Us as men are better off opening up, sharing about our experiences and developing trust & accountability in relationships in order to take necessary steps to change and grow.

I work intensively with men seeking change. Men of all ages and backgrounds. Men that seek to grow emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and financially.

I work with men who are ready to embark on a great adventure—men who know there’s a lot more to life than what they’ve been led to believe.

It’s time to UnLearn and Learn how to let go of judgment in a space where you will be held to your best and highest. We are all here as men to support and mentor one another. Learn how to identify and manage emotions, and be completely comfortable in asking for the support you need.



Eric Balas

I’ve been going to Marc’s Men’s group meetings for almost 2 years now. He holds a safe and powerful space for men to share, be vulnerable and breakthrough of beliefs that may be limiting. Marc has supported me in seeing other viewpoints and encouraged me to speak my truth even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. I am grateful for Marc for being a loving presence in my life, and being a stand for my continual growth.

Michael J. Genduso

To have Marc Kessler and his men’s group in my life has supported me in getting honest with myself and holding myself accountable.  The group and Marc in particular have gotten me through times in my life when I really wanted to quit.  Marc was a stand for me so I could stand for myself.  This tribe of men has provided an outlet for me to share vulnerably, knowing I’m among family and that I’m safe.  I know I have their support no matter what.  I can tell my brothers anything and can always count on my tribe.  With their love and support, I have transcended to where am I today.

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Shahar Sasson

Having a tribe of men has allowed me to feel that I have a better way of understanding how as a man I can operate and think differently than the way I have been taught how man“should be”. In the tribe there is not only one person who leads; we all are leading together to become the best version of ourselves. By opening up and sharing our experiences we learn from each other without judgment.
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Dave Mainville

When I originally approached Marc about coaching I was challenged by making healthy choices for myself and being consistent in those choices. Through working with marc, he supported me in uncovering my choice in comfort. Having his guidance to support me in connecting with a bigger vision—That was a BIG A-ha moment for me. The experience of just being with him is profound by itself. I would highly recommend anybody who’s curious to connect with him and really see what’s possible.