Conscious Couples Awakening

Keynotes, Workshops, Conference Calls, Retreats

If you are looking for a five star experience for your audience, invite Staci and Marc to speak into level 10 relationships, sacred unions, family, or community.

Topics Include...

The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

How to do the dance and take your relationship to optimal levels of love, trust and compassionately communicate.

The Four Agreements

How to shift your internal landscape to to manifest new healthy patterns in your relationships.

It's Not What You Eat, It's What You Nutritionally Absorb

Integrative Nutrition combined with mindfulness naturally healing dis-Ease in the body.

Unlearning is the New Learning

7 powerful steps in neuroscience that shows us the Power of Unlearning to learn. Lose the fear-based ego driven stories and assumptions underlying thoughts. This is an immersive experience—an immersion into freedom.