Conscious Couples Awakening

You Are The Author Of
Your Own Life Story

We Are Here To Love And Support You

Dear Friends

We have studied many of the major teachings in science, philosophy, religion, spirituality, metaphysics, quantum physics and neuroscience. We’ve had multitudes of mentors, coaches, therapists and teachers. We have developed a regular practice of meditation, visualization, gratitude, breath work, emotional releasing techniques and transformative personal practices that allow us to wake up each day knowing who we are in truth, and to live from the mastery of our interdependence in our sacred union. The result is living life powerfully, confidently and mindfully coming from a place of empathy and compassion which we desire to share with YOU.

As Transformational Relationship Coaches we use a blend of Intuitive Counseling with strategies rooted in neuroscience tested to be proven. To help you master your life lessons, we uncover blind spots so that you can move past obstacles and move into the direction of your life’s true calling with vision and confidence.

Our Story

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend Student Teacher
I AM that I AM Staci
“What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create”. -BUDDHA

My Why

I am devoted to serving women to reconnect and tap into the divine feminine—flow and radiance. I have found deep passion in inner child healing and helping people unleash their inner-truths.  I am committed to being a stand for women to see, love, and accept themselves; To help them embody the fullness of their radiant love, and humbly step into courage and surrender. This allows the space for our beloved men to wholeheartedly access the divine masculine they have come here to be.

I am an intuitive, self-love Alchemist and Mindset Coach who has the passion to gently support in dissolving ineffective generational patterns and beliefs, guiding you back to your core essence of love, and shining light on your own inner truths. I was born with the gift to receive and connect with Spirit through energy fields to reveal and peel back the veil….the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, traumas, and blocks that do not support you being your pure essence of light and joy.

The main challenge in my life I eventually learned to overcome was that, I made up this wasn’t possible and my elders validated this. Breaking free from those limited beliefs ignited my passion in bringing people home to their true authentic selves, setting them free, allowing them to fully self-express joyfully and courageously.  

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Book a Complimentary Discovery Breakthrough Session with Staci NOW!

Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Friend, Student, Leader 
I AM that I AM Marc
” When we are alone our sorrows bring out our darkest selves but sharing our heart brings a better way”. -Unknown

My Why

I am devoted to serving men.  In my experience of working with men in multiple capacities, I have found a deep passion in helping them find their hearts. Men often go through life battling with a sword. My niche in coaching men is helping men put their swords down so that they can step into personal freedom. I like to bring up the question, “What does it means to be an authentic man in today’s world?” Society and culture has kept men in their heads. I believe if we were a heart based society, the world would be a much different place than what it is today.

In my experience of overcoming many of life’s challenges and obstacles,  I have found that it’s not about what’s going on around us. It’s about what’s going on within us. My why is to generate happiness in the world. Laughter is potent medicine, and its free! I often remind others about the importance of laughing at ourselves, and to laugh through life—Even when we hit obstacles. True joy is available to everyone, but not everyone is open to receiving which I believe is the first official step to healing and transformation.

I am committed to providing safe space for both men and women to open their hearts so they can be open to receive. I have found receivership to be something many people struggle with, without knowing it is the one problem that leads to every other problem in relationships. Learning to receive primarily from ourselves first is important because it will lead us to experience healthy, fruitful relationships that we all long for. My favorite part about being a coach is to walk people through the long awaited journey, to the heart. Diving into the stillness and silence within the mind gives us access to our heart. Most of the time, the headspace seeks full authority and control—the ego mind—which robs us from experiencing peace, our birthright.

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Book a Complimentary Discovery Breakthrough Session with Marc NOW!


Sobia Zahid

Staci has helped me alot with thinking positively, honestly. She has introduced me to books in her book club and some other things that are opening my mind and are very helpful. She is amazing! Talk to her for 15 minutes and you are thinking differently. I would definitely recommend anyone that wants to go, and change their life. They need to talk to her.

Kris Victoria

Staci is extremely knowledgeable in several domains. My experience of her is warm and motivating. Working with her is a pleasure, as she has a way of always meeting me where I am at and connecting me with my goals on a deeper level. Highly recommended.

Sonia Garate

Staci is WONDERFUL, sincere, and excited to help people meet their goals. She always takes the time to understand, put my interests first, and now I consider her more than a mentor or coach. She is a lifelong friend! I have known my value, but communicating that value or helping others see it was difficult for me.

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Michelene Nembhard

I was in search of a coach. Someone who would challenge me, hold me accountable, and wasn’t afraid, to be honest. Staci was the perfect match! She set an appointment with me and we identified my desire to grow in confidence and leadership but as we took a closer look she helped me see a HUGE stumbling block.

We provide tools and safe space to help you overcome:

Difficult conversations

Ineffective communication


Fear of intimacy and vulnerability

Negative belief patterns

Shame & Guilt

Painful emotions


Challenging transitions

Stress & anxiety

What do people achieve in our programs?

Deep connection and profound intimacy

Liberation of the monkey mind

Spiritual evolution

A grounded sense of peace

A unified tribe

Safe Sacred Space to share open-heartedly

Gratitude & honor in relationships

Inner child Healing

Remembering the Truth who you are—The Sovereign BE-ING-NESS of confidence, love, & joy

Creating a new life MASTERING your Mindset

Our Values

Our promise to you is to deliver a heart-felt, luxury world class client experience based on
integrity, accountability, diligence, perseverance, respect and, professionalism.


Is Our Heart


Is Our Pursuit


Is Our Calling


Is Our Identity


Is Our Spirit

Our Vision

We are committed to being catalysts of unconditional love, and compassion filled with deep gratitude.  Our life’s work is dedicated to creating harmony, peace and joy for couples and individuals in a world where our children will grow up excited to be alive and be a powerful contribution to their communities.

Our Focus

The Conscious Couples Program is a profound experience, focused on group coaching, coupled with optional one-on-one sessions. Our programs are designed for couples who desire to communicate more effectively, rebuild trust, rekindle passion and dive into new depths of intimacy. Relationship coaching is a present tense and future-focused program—No more of the “he said, she said” blame game.

Our Commitment

We are committed to creating harmony, peace, and joy for couples and individuals. Our role is to walk alongside you through every step providing personalized guidance for you to achieve the results you so deserve in your relationships.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you experience the wholeness and oneness of life here on our beautiful planet earth. We believe that a life full of healthy relationships, a deep sense of gratitude, connection and intimacy are the doorways to all the desires of your heart.


We are truly blessed to do the work we do everyday and to interact with so many incredible people who share a mutual vision to change the world. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey thus far.

We would especially like to thank:

Our Conscious Couples Team of supporters who have worked diligently behind the scenes to support us with our vision and mission.  Your visions, creativity, intelligence, love and support have consistently taken us to all new levels.

Our guest experts and thought leaders who continue to inspire and enlighten our clients and soul family introducing new modalities whilst offering new viewpoints on mindfulness, unshakable peace, love, health and nutrition.

To all of our students, clients, soul sisters and brothers who have been and continue to be our lifelong inspiration in fulfilling our vision in unconditional love, compassion, vulnerability,  kindness and acceptance.

To all of our Masters, teachers, and coaches who have helped shaped us, stood for us and have raised us to our optimal versions of ourselves.

Our precious and most important assets in our lives, our sons for allowing us to see ourselves, rise up and take full accountability for ourselves so we can shine our gifts out to the world. You have been our best teachers in the world in embodying unconditional love, compassion, trust, and learning how to let go and surrender.

To our dear parents and siblings for their unconditional love, support and loving us exactly where we are.

To our precious dachshunds, for being our rock and stability for unconditional love, and compassion, our silent yet powerful teachers, incredible snugglers and for your healing wet kisses.

To all of our friends who add love, laughter, support and so much more than that to our lives.

And finally, to anyone and everyone who has come into our lives for a season, a minute, or a moment, you have all helped us on this path in more ways than will ever be known. 

With great love,

Staci Michele and Marc Alexander Kessler