Conscious Couples Awakening

The Truths Are In The A-ha Moments

This is why we are so passionate about what we do. 
Are you ready to say yes to yourself…

Transformational Programs

Connie Andrews

If the journey you’re on right now isn’t working, where you love each other but you can’t stand each other then you’ve got to do this because the goal at the end of the day when the kids are gone is that you’re best friends and enjoy each other.

Juan and Sara Jimenez

I have had the privilege of working with Staci for the past several years. When I introduced her to my wife, there was an instant connection as Staci gave her the space to be able to share from her heart.

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Lisa and Ken LaLonde

Meeting somebody online was something that was pretty ironic. Ken and I had never sought somebody out to help us with our relationship. And so when we were looking for somebody the one thing we kept saying was that we wanted somebody in person and we just couldn’t find that person. After I did a search online I found staci and when she called back there was an instant connection. It really was a divine intervention.

Shea Graves

Staci is truly one of a kind so anything that comes from her reflects just that! She is passionate, intentional and loving. Self awareness is an important tool but for me it had become a hindrance. Staci helped me realize I needed to let go of my old patterns of thought and embrace new ones. She showed me how to create self care rhythms. I learned that discipline grants freedom and is actually the strongest expression of love for oneself.

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Amy Whitham

I struggled with self-esteem issues and in my relationships with others. Staci’s compassion and coaching style introduced me to ways I can shift my mindset and behavior. I recommend working with Staci to anyone who wants to boost their self-esteem, improve their relationships, or shift to a more positive mindset. It has given me tools to move forward and make positive changes in every aspect of my life. Her guided meditations were immensely helpful in getting me centered, and opening my mind.

Marcy Creswell

Working with Staci has helped me in so many ways! I learned to walk away when necessary. I learned I am the feminine energy that nurtures and loves not only myself but others. I learned to express myself with Grace and ease. Her gentle, compassionate yet firm way of being was exactly what I needed. She didn’t allow me to be a victim of anything, especially of my own story. Her guidance was always spot on. I am so grateful for this experience and for the difference it has made in my self-confidence, my choices and my ability to be less reactive and more proactive.

Hannah Dylan

Sitting in stillness and silence for many hours if the day is so powerful. Digging deep into the depths of my soul and experiencing unshakable peace and coming to beautiful realizations in my life of living my truth from authenticity, love, a genuine space and being a space for other women to also have their breakthroughs even without any eye contact or communication was a beautiful experience. 

Steven Joy

The first thing you notice about Staci is the positivity she brings to any relationship. She is the kind of mentor that intuitively sees you, to unlock your true capabilities. She knows that under the right circumstances, you will rise to the occasion, and then sets you up to succeed. One of Staci’s major strengths is openness. I kept a guard up of professionalism even though my struggles and discomfort were obvious.

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Sacha Beriro

I was able to shift my being from a negative space to a space of possibility, and a space of love not only with myself but with everybody. The love that she has for me as a person and the love she has for humanity in general was a really safe space for me. Even though I was in a negative headspace I knew to trust the journey with Staci.

D Adams

As a spiritual person I approached Staci’s coaching with an understanding of spiritual concepts. Staci was able to guide me even more in this. Staci has given me space and opportunity to truly dig deep and to encounter my heart space. She helped me address issues stemming from childhood experiences and has helped me unload this baggage. Staci helped me see I am not defined by such an experience. She allowed me to move at my pace, but was honest about what it would take to get to the next level and encounter the next degree of freedom.

Stacey Brown

I felt as if my inner self was crying out for help, the universe answered and Staci showed up! She walked me through the steps of breathing, focusing on my breath and she took me on this journey to go back to where it all began to my little girl self. It was surreal, it was necessary and gave me a new lens on life. My husband and I have also done Staci and Marc’s 21 Day Awakening program and the 90 day Master your Mindset program. We continue to utilize the GEMS and concepts in our daily lives it has become how we operate.

Erika Osceola

I am truly Grateful for Staci’s service of genuine, pure, raw love. As I allowed myself under her guidance, my entire life shifted. I learned the art of letting go of what no longer serves me. I was at a very pivotal moment of growth in my life, and it could have gone a lot of ways, but Staci’s intuitive coaching really kept me on point with my healing and helped me navigate to the other side of my now victorious life. Staci, through her experience of inner child work, divine feminine essence and lots of love and giving allowed me the space to heal and be gentle with myself and others. Staci is gifted at opening the eyes to see the beautiful lessons in all of it.

Tracie Clemons

Staci’s coaching has been an empowering experience. I was challenged by not being able to notice what was truly right in front of my eyes or in my presence. I’m now able to center myself in order to have a balanced day, almost every day! Staci has helped me to slow down in all areas of my life, and to really notice what’s occurring in that moment. I’ve learned these moments are meant to be embraced, and love is always on your side.

Marlilou Colas

Before starting this journey with Staci, I was not able to acknowledge the past and reveal my truth or take the time to understand “Me” and the loved ones around me. I now have a better approach to life. No one is perfect, so self-improvement is always a good thing. The coaching sessions with Staci helped me with my career, boosted my confidence, and helped me improve my relationship with my family. Learning to let someone be themselves freely will shine a light on so many truths.

Ashley and Shahar Sasson

Marc and Staci exude connection and authenticity with the extraordinary combination of skill, passion, and an innate gift to heal. Observing their work is like creative artistry with ourselves and others have been truly awe-inspiring. Staci conveys change from her heart, helping others to mend theirs.

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Onalee Makum

Marc and Staci have changed my life. They are people who truly embody love and give it freely. I always feel inspired when I am around them and know I can always count on them to support and hold me high. Marc and Staci are genuine people with high integrity and are committed to the healing and unification on this planet.

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Herman Colas

An healing experience, a touch of spiritual connection and divine greatness. The most simple conversation we had brought some impactful discovery and taught me how to cope in the most simplest way. To live life with gratitude, love myself and forgive myself. Staci has a way to find the thought blockage and have you connect with it in order to get clarity and peace. My session with her was an amazing one. Empower yourself to be the best version of yourself.

Blanca Greenstein

I used to struggle with staying positive amidst life challenges. Through coaching, I learned how to view life in a different way, and learned different tools and philosophies to adjust my view of life so that I felt less psychological pressure and more freedom and more peacefulness. I have personally evolved into a consistently positive human being.
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If you feel, you just want to live better with yourself and your partner you should try doing something different. Invest in YOU. We were not communicating, we were triggering each other. Before we were superficial, now we can talk about feelings without any fear. Staci and Marc are just sincere, they love helping people growth is not just a job for them, they really live the life that they teach.

Shastri Stuart

I’ve had the pleasure of being coached by Staci for the past 3 years. I wanted to grow in leadership and people management skills. The biggest lesson Staci taught me is don’t enable people. It may be uncomfortable to confront someone but its important to hold each other to a higher standard. If you choose not to, you are doing yourself and the other person a disservice.

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Joseph A.

I highly recommend Staci to anyone who wants to build their relationship but also wants to grow as an individual. Very helpful when it came to navigating relationship issues and finding ways one can better themselves as a partner.

Kimberly Santiago

The program was extremely helpful. Staci pointed out things about myself that I would’ve never noticed on my own. She helped shed light to a lot of things that allowed my boyfriend and I to move in a more positive direction.

Jon L.

I gave Staci 5 stars because she is so understanding, and she just gets you. She knows you sometimes before you know yourself, and that’s something that I’ve never experienced before. If you’re looking to really dive into the root of your issues, and are looking for that SUPPORT she’s definitely the one to pick. I’d refer anyone in my life to her.

Michelene N

I was in search of a coach. Someone who would challenge me, hold me accountable, and wasn’t afraid, to be honest. Staci was the perfect match! She set an appointment with me and we identified my desire to grow in confidence and leadership but as we took a closer look she helped me see a HUGE stumbling block. I was a perfectionist and had trouble voicing when I need help!
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Are You Ready To Transform Your Relationship?

Sacred Goddess Gatherings

Jessie O

Every gathering has been an incredible experience. I look forward to the third Wednesday of every month, it’s in my calendar as a “MUST”. Staci herself has a special gift in allowing all of us to feel significant and connected even if we’ve just been introduced. Every month is a different theme that seems to land perfectly with what I need. I have never felt like I could open up to a group of women that I could trust I wasn’t going to be judged. That has been my greatest breakthrough. After last night’s Goddess Gathering doing Gamma Breath, I felt so happy that I attended. I felt loved, supported healed.

Valerie Nelligan

I so look forward to Staci Michele’s monthly Goddess Gathering. At first I didn’t have any idea what to expect. I knew I would be safe. I felt Staci’s pure heart and compassion for people from our first time together in a Yoga class…without ever uttering a word. This internal connection… There is this common denominator. These virtual gatherings have surprised me in how it has encouraged me to truly “Let Go” and focus on ourselves… our inner spirit. Our Goddliness  to be the best that we can be… not just  for others… for ourselves. Most women  wear many  hats during a day.
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Lisa Elliot

Sincere women realize that we’re only as strong as our weakest link. Boosting each other up helps the whole planet. Women first. Then children. Then the men. Divine Feminine is ready now. Thank you Staci for creating this space.

Sofia Lucien

The context you hold for the goddess circle is special, intentional and gentle. I really appreciate what you are doing for the community as a whole. Thank you for sharing your gifts! Anytime spent with Staci and the women that come to these gatherings always leaves me feeling filled up.

Janetlynn Marro​

When I first came to Staci’s Goddess Gathering I didn’t know anyone. Every person had me feel like they knew me and understood my struggles. These women were so loving and nurturing. The difference I found in these women is there wasn’t any validation to any negativity, we all hold space for our truths to come out and not feel judged. It’s so wonderful to connect with like minded souls who help each other to heal. You just know when the conversations are in Harmony about life experiences, and we all Understand.

Estefania Zapata​

Staci’s commitment to creating safe space and unconditional love is reflected in the vulnerability of each sister goddesses that show up. It is truly an incredible experience to let go and receive. I have experienced myself (& other woman) let my guard down and truly allow myself to be witnessed, to be seen, heard and felt by other women. When I let my guard down in these circles, other women pour their hearts into mine… Real tears. I’ve discovered that many of my struggles, fears and pain I experience are not mine alone. I’ve discovered that nothing matches the potent medicine that is unity and connection. All I can say is thank you Staci.

Unleash Your Inner Goddess

Silent Retreats

Connie Moyer

I’m a woman in the business world and it just gave me an opportunity to get to know women in a different environment and allow myself to be vulnerable and be able to meet women who are now going to become lifelong friends.

Find Your Tribe

Men of Gratitude

Eric Balas

I’ve been going to Marc’s Men’s group meetings for almost 2 years now. He holds a safe and powerful space for men to share, be vulnerable and breakthrough of beliefs that may be limiting. Marc has supported me in seeing other viewpoints and encouraged me to speak my truth even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. I am grateful for Marc for being a loving presence in my life, and being a stand for my continual growth.

Michael Genduso

To have Marc Kessler and his men’s group in my life has supported me in getting honest with myself and holding myself accountable. The group, and Marc in particular have gotten me through times in my life when I really wanted to quit.  Marc was a stand for me so I could stand for myself.  This tribe of men has provided an outlet for me to share vulnerably, knowing I’m among family and that I’m safe.  I know I have their support no matter what.

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Shahar Sasson

Having a tribe of men has allowed me to feel that I have a better way of understanding how as a man I can operate and think differently than the way I have been taught how man“should be”. In the tribe there is not only one person who leads; we all are leading together to become the best version of ourselves. By opening up and sharing our experiences we learn from each other without judgment.

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Dave Mainville

When I originally approached Marc about coaching I was challenged by making healthy choices for myself and being consistent in those choices. Through working with marc, he supported me in uncovering my choice in comfort. Having his guidance to support me in connecting with a bigger vision—That was a BIG A-ha moment for me. The experience of just being with him is profound by itself. I would highly recommend anybody who’s curious to connect with him and really see what’s possible.

Become A Warrior Of The Light