Conscious Couples Awakening

A Goddess Does Not Rule the World...
She IS the World

Your Sisterhood Awaits You

You are a woman who is awakening to the love within her heart, who is aching for the planet to heal, who has a temple of intuitive knowledge, bliss, and hope rising within. 
join us we bridge the gaps, open our hearts, regain the trust in the feminine and hold one another to our radiance and power.  
Every woman has an answer for the next woman who is in question. It’s time to open your heart, your mind, your soul… to other heart centered females. It’s time to receive love from the feminine divine.  It’s a known fact that female bonding is good for our health. From a scientific perspective, it increases the good chemicals in the brain, acting as a natural antidepressant. That’s why we feel so good when we celebrate life with our girl friends. So go get your goddess on! This is our gift to you, experiential, free and a virtual immersive experience. 


The Divine Feminine

The world is transitioning into a new paradigm where the Divine Feminine is honored as sacred alongside her Divine Masculine counterpart. The old systems are crumbling – political, economical, environmental, social, familial all to be dissolved and replaced by the New Earth Paradigm. 
Thanks to the patriarchal era we have come to an understanding that violence, evil, envy and mistrust are diminishing as women gather and get to see and witness themselves in all women, to say it gracefully. 
Women by the hundreds of thousands are being called to the forefront across the globe – a spiritual calling, a triggering event, or through birthing a starchild – to play the role of a modern-day high priestess. 
We all must go through what is called a “Divine Feminine Awakening” – a process of transmuting past pain and trauma that was created by the patriarchal era, and awakening into a new Divine Feminine self. 
There are phases of this awakening…  Join us on the third Wednesday of every month and have a deeper understanding about this spiritual experience so that you can navigate your Divine Feminine Awakening Experience with ease and grace. Feel free to invite your near and dear sisters


Divine Guidance got you here if this resonates with you...

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You are ready to shaken, awaken and be fully aligned with your feminine energy

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You have decided that your feminine energy is sacred and holds value for planetary healing

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You feel called to attend women’s circles and share with other goddesses

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You feel restored surrounded by feminine energies

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You have a calling in the world of holistic healing arts, mystical healing, or metaphysics.

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Your ancient Divine Feminine stored within your soul have been awakened by visiting a sacred site, a traumatic event, meeting a Karmic Soulmate/soul family, or via past life recall


Janetlynn Marro

When I first came to Staci’s Goddess Gathering I didn’t know anyone. Every person had me feel like they knew me and understood my struggles. These women were so loving and nurturing. The difference I found in these women is there wasn’t any validation to any negativity, we all hold space for our truths to come out and not feel judged. It’s so wonderful to connect with like minded souls who help each other to heal. You just know when the conversations are in Harmony about life experiences, and we all Understand.

Jessi O

Every gathering has been an incredible experience. I look forward to the third Wednesday of every month, it’s in my calendar as a “MUST” Staci herself has a special gift in allowing all of us to feel significant and connected even if we’ve just been introduced. There is a sacred bond once the evening begins. Every month is a different theme that seems to land perfectly with what I need. I have never felt like I could open up to a group of women that I could trust I wasn’t going to be judged. That has been my greatest breakthrough. After last night’s Goddess Gathering doing Gamma Breath, I felt so happy that I attended. I felt loved, supported healed.

Sofia Lucien

The context you hold for the goddess circle is special, intentional and gentle. I really appreciate what you are doing for the community as a whole. Thank you for sharing your gifts! Anytime spent with Staci and the women that come to these gatherings always leaves me feeling filled up.

Estefania Zapata

Staci’s commitment to creating safe space and unconditional love is reflected in the vulnerability of each sister goddesses that show up. It is truly an incredible experience to let go and receive. I have experienced myself (& other woman) let my guard down and truly allow myself to be witnessed, to be seen, heard and felt by other women. When I let my guard down in these circles, other women pour their hearts into mine… Real tears. I’ve discovered that many of my struggles, fears and pain I experience are not mine alone. I’ve discovered that nothing matches the potent medicine that is unity and connection. All I can say is thank you Staci.